IBM InfoSphere DataStage

IBM InfoSphere DataStage is an ETL tool and part of the IBM Information Platforms Solutions suite and IBM InfoSphere. It uses a graphical notation to construct data integration solutions and is available in various versions such as the Server Edition and the Enterprise Edition.

A data extraction and transformation program for Windows NT/2000 servers that is used to pull data from legacy databases, flat files and relational databases and convert them into data marts and data warehouses. Formerly a product from Ascential Software Corporation, which IBM acquired in 2005, DataStage became a core component of the IBM WebSphere Data Integration suite.

DataStage originated at VMark[1], a spin off from Prime Computers that developed two notable products: UniVerse database and the DataStage ETL tool.

The first VMark ETL prototype was built by Lee Scheffler in the first half of 1996[1].

Peter Weyman was VMark VP of Strategy and identified the ETL market as an opportunity. He appointed Lee Scheffler as the architect and conceived the product brand name "Stage" to signify modularity and component-orientation[2].

This tag was used to name DataStage and subsequently used in related products QualityStage, ProfileStage, MetaStage and AuditStage.

Lee Scheffler presented the DataStage product overview to the board of VMark in June 1996 and it was approved for development.

The product was in alpha testing in October, beta testing in November and was generally available in January 1997.

VMark acquired UniData in October 1997 and renamed itself to Ardent Software[3]. In 1999 Ardent Software was acquired by Informix[4] the database software vendor.

In April 2001 IBM acquired Informix and took just the database business leaving the data integration tools to be spun off as an independent software company called Ascential Software[5].

In November 2001, Ascential Software Corp. of Westboro, Mass. acquired privately held Torrent Systems Inc. of Cambridge, Mass. for $46 million in cash.

Ascential announced a commitment to integrate Orchestrate's parallel processing capabilities directly into the DataStageXE platform. [6].

In March 2005 IBM acquired Ascential Software[7] and made DataStage part of the WebSphere family as WebSphere DataStage.

In 2006 the product was released as part of the IBM Information Server under the Information Management family but was still known as WebSphere DataStage.

In 2008 the suite was renamed to InfoSphere Information Server and the product was renamed to InfoSphere DataStage[8].

•Enterprise Edition: a name give to the version of DataStage that had a parallel processing architecture and parallel ETL jobs.

•Server Edition: the name of the original version of DataStage representing Server Jobs. Early DataStage versions only contained Server Jobs. DataStage 5 added Sequence Jobs and DataStage 6 added Parallel Jobs via Enterprise Edition.

•MVS Edition: mainframe jobs, developed on a Windows or Unix/Linux platform and transferred to the mainframe as compiled mainframe jobs.

•DataStage for PeopleSoft: a server edition with prebuilt PeopleSoft EPM jobs under an OEM arragement with PeopleSoft and Oracle Corporation.

•DataStage TX: for processing complex transactions and messages, formerly known as Mercator.

•DataStage SOA: Real Time Integration pack can turn server or parallel jobs into SOA services.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

WebSphere DataStage XML

Figure 7. XML Meta Data importer

The XML Meta Data Importer can import XML structure from either XML sample or XSD files. Open the target.xml file in the XML Meta Data Importer. Once opened, the XML file is mapped into tabular structure. As depicted in Figure 7, select the TEXT fields of the five data elements (marked in red circle) as the columns of table definition to extract text content of the XML elements. The "Description" field (marked in red box of Figure 7) contains the XPath, which indicates the corresponding position of a column in the XML document. In this sample, it is assumed that every contact record has a unique e-mail address that is used as the "Key" column. Save the table definition in the "PlugIn\sample" category, named as "target_xml".

As of now, three table definitions (in red circle of Figure 8) have been imported into the category successfully.
Figure 8. Imported table definitions

Step 4. Set up DB2 stages with a transformer to provide joined data

With the table definitions ready in repository, it is time to set up the data source for XML output.
There are two options to extract the data:

Use the SQL, as shown in Listing 3, in one DB2 stage
Use the transformer to join the data from multiple stages
This sample follows the second option:

Listing 3. Query for the data extraction


Figure 9. Results of query from Listing 3

To achieve the same output shown in Figure 9 in DataStage, two DB2/UDB API stages (in Database category of the Palette) and a Transformer stage (in Processing category of the Palette) are adopted. These stages are added to a new job diagram and named as follows:

The two DB2 stages: "CONTACT" and "CUST"
The Transformer: "JOIN_CUST_CNT"
Connect "CONTACT" and "CUST" to the "JOIN_CUST_CNT" using DSLink3 and DSLink4 respectively. (See Figure 10.)

Figure 10. Job diagram

As a database developer, you usually join the customer table to the contact table and treat the customer as the main table. But in this sample, the contact table is the main one, indicated by the solid arrow DSLink3. The transformer carries out a lookup action in non-primary tables for records of the primary table. For a single record of the primary table, only one record will be retrieved from the non-primary tables.

Note: Only ODBC and UniVerse stages support multi-row lookup.

"CONTACT" stage configuration

Double-click on the "CONTACT" stage to configure its properties. On the "Stage" page, fill in the DB2 connection information: database name, username, and password. Switch to the "Output" page, and click on the columns tab. The column information includes column name, derivation, type, and so on. Columns can be edited directly or loaded from an existing table definition. Here, use the imported CHENLI.S_CONTACT table definition to load the columns for this stage. Click the Load button, select CHENLI.S_CONTACT in the pop-up table definition window, press OK, then select all the columns of the table definition in the successive column selection window. When the columns are loaded, the result looks like Figure 11:


Tutorial Blogs said...

This one is useful.Great effort.Keep up the spirit

Unknown said...

It was nice to read all this info. Great info to read about Datastage

topics here.